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Luciana Briciu

Better customer care when I'm around

Did you know that the cost of acquiring a new ​customer can be as much as five times higher ​than retaining an existing one?

If you’re a owner or a manager of a hospitality establishment who ​is seeking to enhance guest interactions, let me be your partner.

If you're a front-line server aiming to improve customer care skills ​- I'm here to help you overcome your challenges.

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“Train people well enough so they can leave.

Treat them well enough so they don't want to.“

Richard Branson

Hello there,

I'm Lucy

Three Rings

A hospitality trainer, passionate about customer care and ​great interactions.

My goal is to build exceptional teams, one training at a time.

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What’s yours?

About me

I’m an empathetic, dedicated trainer and coffee ​enthusiast, that's driven by an immense ​passion for delivering ​exceptional services.

Always ready to spread some smiles around me, with a positive attitude and lots of energy, ​I’m convinced that a day without laughter is a wasted one. I enjoy traveling, reading and ​taking care of my plants. Usually, in my free time you’ll see me with a cup of coffee, among ​plants.

My wish is to empower employees in customer service industries, ​equipping them with ​essential skills to enhance their service ​delivery and support business growth.

My mission is simple: to make every interaction a great one. From ​offering a warm smile to ​suggesting quick solutions, I believe in ​creating positive and personalized experiences that ​leave a lasting ​impression.

What to expect: I promise my clients a relaxed atmosphere, with lots of smiles. I believe that ​learning should be enjoyable, therefore, my services are designed to be interactive, engaging, ​with plenty of activities that allow participants to develop new skills while having fun.

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Re​ach out

How can I help you

Experience and Expertise

14+ years of customer-facing experience

100+ trainees from different countries

180+ training hours on various subjects

Comprehensive Training Programs

I offer a range of training programs ​designed to equip your staff with the ​essential skills to deliver top-quality ​service. From general customer care and ​complaint handling to hospitality skills and ​obtaining performance, I cover it all.

Results-Driven Strategies

My focus is on practical strategies that bring ​real results. I will provide your team with the ​best techniques and tools to enhance service ​delivery, improve guest satisfaction, and ​support your business growth.

Personalized Approach

I believe in customizing my training programs ​to meet your team’s specific needs. I take the ​time to understand your business goals and ​challenges, ensuring that my services align ​with your objectives and culture.

Building exceptional teams, one training at a time.

My services

Great customer service is something your clients return for, and exceeding their expectations is always a challenge. ​Excellent customer care is rare because we are not all born with these skills, but they can be taught.

I believe in the power of empathy, a friendly smile, lifting others up, continuous learning, and kindness. If these resonate ​with you and you're looking for someone to help achieving your goals, take a look at my services below.




Customer Care Training and Workshop

Teaching hospitality workers how to exceed expectations and overcome challenges.

From the first "hello" to crisis management, ​specific hospitality challenges or generic ​interactions, we’ll cover all your team’s needs.

Most restaurants and hotels I know, handle training in-house (still using their active ​servers), and usually is related to learning the menu - food and beverages - and other ​technical details. Almost nothing about customer interaction or how to deliver top-​notch services, customer retention or teamwork. Which often leads to unsatisfied ​customers and employees.

Consulting and Quality Assurance Audits

If you want to elevate your services and train your employees, but don't know where ​to ​begin, this is for you. This services can include ​training needs assessments, performance ​reviews and goal settings for your teams.

Don't underestimate the impact customer-facing staff can have on customer’s ​experience and make sure your people are following the highest service delivery ​standards.

Find out your business’ strengths and use them in your favor.

Remember: “You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

(Zig Ziglar)

Explore the possibilities by combining these services to create a customized ​package that perfectly aligns with your business’ objectives.

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Request offer

My services are primarily available to clients located in Romania and Greece, but I am open to consider requests from other locations too.

Please reach out to discuss your needs and find out how we can work together.

Get in touch.

Differentiate yourself from the competition and invest in your employees.

Tell me know how can I help you achieve your goals and inspire your team. I ​know that every team is unique, so let's connect and discuss your specific needs.

Spreading smiles around,


Ready to take your team's customer service to new heights and create unforgettable experiences?

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Copyright 2024 Luciana Briciu